How do Your Actions Affect Salmon?


Do you know how your individual actions affect salmon?  You can take a free self-assessment here: to see how your actions at home and in the community are impacting salmon/fish and how changing some of your behaviors might help.  After taking the self-assessment, create an action plan! The assessment has resources to help.

If you’re curious, one action I’ve already taken is to reduce my time in the shower from an average of 20 minutes (gasp!) to an average of 5 minutes. One item on my action plan is to reduce the size of my lawn by planting more areas of native vegetation (including a pollinator garden). What actions are you taking or are you willing to take to help the salmon make it out alive? Share your ideas on our Facebook:

Clean Coastal Trash and Help Scientists!

So much garbage! We were unprepared, but improvised with dog poo bags. Note to self, bring bags and gloves everywhere!

So much garbage! We were unprepared, but improvised with dog poo bags. Note to self, bring bags and gloves everywhere!

A lot of people around the world participate in International Coastal Cleanup® Day in September of each year.  Sadly, cleanup is needed year round. There are several efforts out there, such as the Take 3 for the Sea campaign.  

This organization urges you to take 3 pieces of trash with you every time you leave an ocean or waterway (or anywhere, really), share a photo of you with your three pieces on social media with the hashtag #Take3fortheSea to inspire others, and reduce your plastic footprint.

While you’re participating in Take 3 for the Sea, why not also use the CleanSwell app?  You can see the impact you’re making by tracking things such as miles cleaned and weight of trash removed while earning cool badges, and you can help scientists identify locations and types of garbage being removed. This allows the scientist to track trash patterns and inform policy solutions.

Get out there and start cleaning!