Wahoo! We're Like Kind of Legitimate, and on your favorite podcast sites!
/After over a year of learning about business, recording, editing, podcasting, logo development, website design, marketing and a bunch of other stuff, Jen and Amy are finally ready to share the labor of their love through all the typical places that you listen to podcasts. We are now on Apple Podcasts, Google Play Music, Stitcher, Tune In, and others that link to these sites. We are really excited to share positive and funny stories about environmental restoration and conservation projects, sweet GIS tools, and citizen science opportunities. Check out our Press Release to learn more about our project! Also, feel free to pass it along if you have any contacts.
I’m listening!
We have learned a lot along the way, but there is still so much more, so please feel free to contact us about any edits, story ideas or audio tips!
We are trying to get into New and Noteworthy on Apple Podcasts and to do that we need help from all of our cool cat friends (to be clear, that means you!). Please visit iTunes and listen to our episodes, or if you have already listened to them on our website or you just don’t have time to listen to them right now, then downloading them is also supposed to help our rating! Super thanks in advance!
So, please join us, the early listening crew, as we embark down the podcast hole…while questioning, “Will We Make It Out Alive?”
“My sources say no.”
Find out how Jen the Magical Mapper has been doing on her Plastic Free July challenge!