Episode 22: Just Say No (To Plastic)
/In this episode we will learn more about Moledemort, AKA he who must not be maimed, and how you can ditch plastic this July. It’s going to be a short episode this month, but we wanted to get this information to you so you can prepare for Plastic Free July! Also, we are taking a break, more on that below.
We spoke briefly about the Black Lives Matter movement and anti-racism. We stand with Black Lives Matter. Environmental and social justice are inseparable. One resource that Jen shared was the Black Girls M.A.P.P. group, which is a group of and for black women in GIS, who are doing great work.
Cats are cool, but so are other critters!
Staying home for months on end has led us to find a new appreciation for urban wildlife. A friend of ours is obsessed with a mole living in her backyard, who she has named Moldemort (AKA He Who Must Not Be Maimed). Amy is making her squirrels magical. And Jen has rediscovered television. Oh wait… that’s not wildlife…
Pinwheels didn’t deter Moldemort
He was also too smart for this jar trap and just filled it with dirt
Highly recommended book.
Squirrels can be magical!
Ditching Plastic (for July and beyond?)
Almost immediate fail… I brought my own coffee mug on my trip and thought I was making a good choice with oatmeal. I forgot it came with a bunch of plastic!
This episode we introduce you to Plastic Free July. You can sign up to take the challenge on their website, and you can set your own goal based on your comfort level. If you’re brand new to the idea, you can start small and focus focus on the big four takeout items (bags, straws, coffee cups and bottles), and you can sign up for just one day or one week. If you’re more comfortable, you can try to ditch all single-use plastic, or all plastic altogether!
Jen took the challenge last year for the first time with the goal to not use single-use plastics for the month. She discusses how her journey went, including strategies she had going in, struggles she had, and where she failed. She also discusses things she’ll be thinking about this year before beginning the challenge. Some of these practices are becoming more difficult to implement during the pandemic, but get creative. The whole idea is to become more aware and start making small, permanent changes where you can.
So head on over to plasticfreejuly.org to sign up for the challenge and to get ideas. They send out a weekly newsletter during the challenge with more tips and stories from the community.
Follow along with us on our social media channels in July to see how we’re doing. Good luck!
We can all spend more time learning though, and trying to make a difference.
We also announced that we’re taking a break for the rest of the summer. We’ll still be around a little bit on social media (especially during Plastic Free July). We’ll be back probably in September, but we’ll keep you informed!
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